Before we understand the concept of and need for Realtor CRM, let us understand CRM in general. In the world of marketing, communication is the key element that drives engagement and helps you build reach. A key element in the marketing and communications gamut would include a CRM system that has been created for the following reasons:
To store data in one place
To manage all information and data pertaining to customer interactions
To generate and nurture leads
To create a software that is data driven
To manage sales and other workflow processes through the software
To help in sales acceleration
To support marketing automation
To streamline the overall efforts of the various sales, service and marketing teams
To bring down the cost of production
To increase the output and revenue quantum
With such ends in mind, it comes as no surprise that CRM or Customer Relations Management software and systems are one of the most important means or tools to be used by businesses of any and every size.
The Real Estate CRM Reality
Real Estate CRM is of great importance in this day and age. With the digitization of marketing and customer interaction efforts, there has been an amplification of communication signals as well as the opportunities generated by said signals. From multiple platforms to multiple campaigns and a varied audience base, there are a large number of opportunities that businesses must tap into so as to make all the right noises in the right paces for the right results. But time is of the essence here, since competition has also proportionately increased and amplified with all these new digital realties surrounding businesses.
In such a scenario, real estate is one that niche that has seen a growth in the number of opportunities which makes it even more important to have a CRM system that fits the bill and the need of the hour. Here are 5 benefits that realtors and agents can reap from the adoption of a well charted CRM system:
Customized Reach and Service: When you turn to CRM for real estate, you get to customize your communication and interactions as per the varied projects that you would like to promote. This helps you spread your efforts over a wider audience within that time frame. In turn, it reduces time spent on driving engagement towards a single campaign and also helps you promote a number of projects simultaneously. Understanding your customers becomes that much more easier since you are now tapping into all your customer information for varied properties and projects from the same place. This helps you customize your communication so that it becomes easier for your potential buyer to find the home or property of his or her choice that much faster and more efficiently – which also makes realtors and agents look that much more efficient.
Unified Approach: With CRM for real estate, you get to tap into the data for the multiple campaigns and properties from the same place where all the information and the data is stored. This makes your efforts unified and more organized which in turn helps you take stock of the said efforts in a better and more relevant manner so that you can measure the goals and your achievements accordingly. With this unified approach, you also get to understand the needs of the customers and bring in the right properties for the right buyers without wasting their time or yours.
Greater Likelihood of Closing a Sale: From the above two points, one thing has become clear – building and using a realtor CRM helps in reducing the time spent in campaigning for individual properties and matching the right property with the right property since all you have to do is tap into the data that has been stored in one unified field, as mentioned above. The real implication of this comes in the rise of the sales figures since such an organized and efficient method of presenting and communicating with prospects and customers helps the realtor in finding a greater success rate when it comes to closing the deal. You can find a greater likelihood of making a sale and closing the deal with an organized effort which also puts your customer at ease and helps you come across as a more professional brand.
Cultivating Future Customers: In real estate, the trick is not to just make a sale at a single point or once. You have to put yourself in a position where the customer will remember you as and when an upgrade is required or when they have to make a recommendation to a friend, a colleague or a family member. When you manage your time better and up your productivity game with realtor CRM, you are also putting out a pretty strong message about your brand – one that the customer will not forget in a hurry when it is time for an upgrade to accommodate a growing family, or making a recommendation to someone who wants to go into escrow.
Stand Out in the Marketplace: When you are using real estate CRM, you are essentially taking all the steps to ensure that you face your competition straight in the eye so that you stand out and stand tall. The CRM strategy and automation along with the data management from one centralized location is something that will help you tap into opportunities faster and with more frequency than most of your competitors since it frees up the time for you to reach more people with much more efficacy within less time. In order to become more competitive, it is important for realtors and agents to consider creating a CRM system that will record and process all the data for proper communication and interactions from one unified place.
In order to maximize this effort, we would also suggest the merging of real estate CRM with marketing automation so that you can schedule and process all your communication with your interactions for multiple platforms within the sales and marketing gamut.