Tips for Raising Prices of Your Services

Tips for Raising Prices of Your Services:


When you’ve gone through all the trouble it takes to set your rate of pay, it seems exhausting to talk about changing that number. Realistically, though, you are going to gain experience over the years, and hopefully demand for your services will also grow. When that happens, you might need to raise your rates.

Add Multiple Contacts to One Client in CloudBooks – New Feature

You can now add multiple contacts to one client. This is much requested feature:

multiple contacts

Step by Step Instructions
Go to the “Clients” tab
You will be brought to a list of your Clients
Click on the client of your choice
Under the “Contacts” section there is a little blue (+) that says “Add new contact”
Click on that link
Enter your secondary contact’s information (email is required)
There is no limit to how many contacts you can add to a client
Click “Save” when you’re finished

Freelancing: Hourly Rate vs Flat Fee

freelance fee

Freelancing: Hourly Rate vs Flat Fee

Hourly rates are pretty. They look great on paper, and can be multiplied by the amount of time worked. We love to look back and notice that our hourly rates have climbed, too. But as most freelancers would tell you, projects often work on a set fee, and you can find yourself racing the clock to complete all the work in the allotted time. The longer you take to get the work done, the lower your hourly rate turns out to be.

I find that there’s a fairly even mix of clients out there, with some wanting to know my hourly rate and others assuming I charge by the project. In my experience over the years, many industries are drifting toward the project fee model. There are a number of reasons why, and I think all of them are good principles for freelancers to remember.